When the Account Exec and the Client are the
only two there!
A recce, pre-pro, walk about or scout is the
most cost-effective way to insure a successful production. Everyone know this but for some
reason scouts are always rushed through before all the usable information can
be gathered or worse yet the wrong people are invited and nothing filters down
to the appropriate departments.
How many production problems could be averted if
the crew was better prepared.
Having the right people at a scout starts the
problem solving right away. The
sound department would be aware of AC duct noises and could work with house
maintenance to resolve the issue.
The gaffer would know that we need a power drop because all the outlets
are on the same circuit. The DP
would know that the floor to ceiling windows that look due west might not be
the best place to shoot the late afternoon setup. The director can start thinking about coverage and what gear
may or may not work in this environment.
The producer can get an early grasp of equipment and labor cost and can
start to solve logistical problems.
Something as simple as walking the route equipment must travel from the
load in to the staging area could save lots of time and effort. If there are no ramps or the elevators
are too small for Magliners, you can plan the extra time and labor to move gear
and get smaller carts.
It’s simple, if you want to save time and money,
be prepared. A scout let’s you put
together a plan with the right gear and the right labor at the right time.
To get the most value out of a scout you must be
committed to spending the time getting the readings and measurements and
talking through the challenges the location presents. Being pushed
through a location before you gathered all the data that you need can be very
frustrating so you have to make your case for the savings a well-done scout can
produce. A pleasant demeanor and a fact filled
rationale for what your doing goes along way in getting you what you need.
What’s in my scout kit?
I have a small bag that contains a color
temperature meter, a light meter,
A foot-candle meter, a laser range meter, a
compass/inclinometer, an Ammeter, an outlet tester, a tape measure, a digital
voice recorder, a point and shoot camera,
a small HD camcorder for pre-interviews, pens
and a notebook. I also carry an
Iphone and an Ipad with Helios, Panascout, Artimis and PCam apps.